Wait a while longer…it will get dumber
I picture Larry Kudlow waking up to a dozen or so texts from his friends in the business and investing community like “LARRY WTF? MEXICO TARIFFS? IS HE AN IDIOT??? WTF R U GUYS DOING?” And then poor Larry having to check Twitter to find out that his boss, the President of the United States, just impulsively decided to throw the economy of North America into a recession over the border fantasies being whispered...
source https://thereformedbroker.com/2019/05/31/wait-a-while-longer-it-will-get-dumber/
The post Wait a while longer…it will get dumber appeared first on The Reformed Broker.
source https://thereformedbroker.com/2019/05/31/wait-a-while-longer-it-will-get-dumber/
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